Steve Ellis To Speak At Human Resources Seminar
Tuesday, March 28, 2017, Montpelier, Vermont: EBB Director and Burlington-Office Managing Attorney Steve Ellis will be speaking at a Human Resources Seminar presented by the Manufacturing Renewal Initiative of the Associated Industries of Vermont, a special seminar focusing on key human resource issues facing Vermont employers in 2017 and beyond. The seminar will cover issues impacting private and public sector employers and the professionals who serve them, and will feature presentations, commentary, and audience Q&A with expert government and private sector presenters. Steve will be joining two expert panels addressing the topics of Independent Contractors/Employee Classification: Impact of Recent Court Decisions, Compliance Issues, and Prospects for Legislative Reform, and Federal Labor Law and Regulatory Changes: Update and Outlook on Changes in Regulations and Enforcement. The seminar will also cover a range of other timely and important topics, including ACA updates, minimum wage, pregnancy accommodation, paid family leave, and workers compensation.
Information and registration materials are available at Please contact Steve in advance, at, with any questions or suggestions you would like to have addressed.