Boxer Blake & Moore PLLC






A trusted presence in Vermont, New Hampshire, and Greater New England

With an office in Springfield,Vermont, Boxer Blake & Moore PLLC serves clients in the Greater New England region. Our practice encompasses Workers' Compensation, Labor & Employment Law, Business Law & Litigation, Insurance Coverage & Defense, Regulatory & Environmental Law, Product Liability, Public Sector Law, Municipal & School Law, Appellate Practice, and Land-Use Law.

Boxer Blake & Moore PLLC has built a solid team of seasoned and effective lawyers with a shared commitment to the highest professional standards and to Vermont as the ideal hub for a regional business-oriented firm.

Get in touch with us to set up a consultation, or use the contact form at the bottom of this page to inquire whether our services are right for you.




6 Common Street
P.O.Box 948
Springfield, VT 05156


(802) 885-2141


Areas of Practice


Alternative-dispute-Resolution Services

Boxer Blake & Moore’s senior attorneys are frequently selected by the parties or appointed by the court to serve as arbitrators, mediators and neutral evaluators. 

Appellate practice

Appellate law requires a special kind of expertise.  Our lawyers have successfully argued cases before the Vermont Supreme Court and the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.

Business law & litigation

Litigation has become an inevitable part of doing business. But we also pride ourselves on representing our clients quietly and effectively outside of the courtroom.



Boxer Blake & Moore’s attorneys represent parties in all manner of employment disputes in the state and federal courts and administrative agencies, including wrongful discharge, discrimination, contract rights and executive compensation. 

insurance defense & civil litigation

A significant part of our practice is the representation of insurance companies and the defense of insured and self-insured parties in litigation.


Boxer Blake & Moore’s attorneys have the skill to guide you through the Act 250 permitting-process. In addition, outside of the Act 250 process, Boxer Blake & Moore can also help with any land use or zoning-law issues you may have.



Elected and appointed officials trust and rely on members of Boxer Blake & Moore to understand and explain the complex legal issues with which towns and school systems are constantly confronted.

Product Liability

We are proud of our record representing manufacturers, distributors and seriously injured parties in cases involving a variety of consumer, recreational, agricultural, and industrial products and devices.

vermont local-counsel services

Boxer Blake & Moore has extensive experience assisting out-of-state counsel in all varieties of litigated matters before all state and federal Vermont courts.




Boxer Blake & Moore has an extensive workers’ compensation practice, representing employers and insurance carriers in coverage disputes, administrative proceedings, trials and appeals. 


Let's Chat.

Use the form below to contact us regarding your legal inquiry. Please identify yourself and provide enough information for us to understand the nature of your inquiry and to contact you.  But please keep in mind that unless you are already an established client of the firm, we are not your lawyers and we may already represent clients with interests adverse to yours.  So please don’t give us any information that you consider to be confidential. You may also email or call us to make an appointment.

For job opportunities, please email us your resume. We’re always looking for exceptional talent.